Absence & Make-up Policy
Emergency Closings
Registration & Tuition
Prior to the start of lessons, classes or ensembles, a refund of 100% minus $30 registration can be issued. After 2 weeks, there will be NO REFUNDS. Please email DSM for refund information if needed.
A new student may try a lesson with a teacher. If they agree to continue that will be lesson 1 of the total lessons for the semester.
The following may be reinstated if the Covid 19 and Flu numbers start rising:
Masks will be worn based on preference of faculty and students/families unless there is a town or state wide masked mandate which would then require all at DSM to wear masks. DSM also follows Dedham Community House rules so if masks are required to be in the building, then all DMS faculty, students, and staff will be required to wear masks.
All lessons will be held in person with the following exceptions:
-Comfort of student and family as well as faculty
-Inclement weather days, we will pivot to online lessons rather than cancel.
DSM commits itself to maintaining a welcoming environment for everyone regardless of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, color, gender, marital or parental status, veteran status, disabilities, sexual orientation, or age. In participating or working or volunteering at DSM in any program or in any capacity, an individual agrees to share these commitments in the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities.
DSM rejects all forms of harassment, wrongful discrimination and disrespect. It has developed a no-tolerance policy to respond to incidents of harassment whatever the basis or circumstance.
DSM understands the importance of an environment that is free of harassment or any other unreasonable interference with the performance of its Board members, staff, faculty, students, and volunteers. While the Organization encourages self expression, it expects that the exercise of self expression will respect the rights of others. In such a setting there is no place for conduct that diminishes, uses, or abuses another person. For these reasons, harassment of any kind is unacceptable within DSM.
Harassment may occur in numerous forms, many of which are also violations of federal and state laws, including but not limited to verbal or physical conduct that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment or interferes with an employee’s ability to perform his or her job; unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors; offensive or derogatory comments made to a person, either directly or indirectly, based on race, color, sex, religion, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.
If any involved party reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of DSM is in violation of the law, a written complaint must be filed by that party with a Board officer. It is the intent of DSM to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the Organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the Organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all parties is necessary to achieve compliance with various laws and regulations. An involved party is protected from retaliation only if the party brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy or practice to the attention of DSM and provides DSM with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to parties that comply with this requirement.
DSM will not retaliate against a party who, in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of DSM, or of another individual or entity with whom DSM has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy. DSM will not retaliate against
parties who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy, or practice of DSM that the party reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment.
- Blue Room -Dining Room
- Restrooms
3. Food or drinks are not allowed in lesson or rehearsal spaces except water. Please be considerate; pick up after yourself in the waiting rooms located on the first floor and third floor.
Dedham School of music has a zero tolerance policy for tobacco use on school grounds and within school buildings.
DSM has a zero tolerance policy regarding drugs and alcohol. Any participant of DSM found to be in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or any controlled and/or illegal substance will be subject to expulsion from the program with no refund.
Dedham School of Music (DSM) is dedicated to making its events and programs accessible for its students, families, and attendees. Every member of our organization is committed to ensuring access, from our board to our administration to our staff and volunteers.
Accommodations we can reasonably address will be made upon request and as determined feasible by the Accessibility Coordinator. We ask for three weeks’ notice. Please contact Dedham School of Music’s Accessibility Coordinator and Executive Director, Jody Pongratz, at [email protected] or the school: 781-441-9372.
Our school, housed at the Dedham Community Center at 671 High Street in Dedham, has an accessible entrance, with a lift from the parking lot to the first floor, where along with lesson rooms there is an accessible restroom. We ask that DSM be notified in advance of a need for accommodation so that the lesson or class can be scheduled there. We require 2 weeks notice. In the case of an injury that prevents a participant from using the stairs to our 3rd floor classrooms, we will make an immediate accommodation whenever feasible to move the lesson to the first floor. Please contact Jody Pongratz.
Our off-site Jams, Dedham Community Band, Recitals, and Singing Alive program are all held in accessible buildings. Except for Singing Alive programs, our off-site programs are held in First Church Dedham which has a ramp as well as accessible restrooms. Singing Alive programs are held in Dedham Housing Authority community rooms which are accessible and at other senior centers that are also accessible.
For those with Visual Impairments, large print materials are made available upon request, with two weeks’ notice. Please contact Jody Pongratz.
Our performances are held outdoors or inside accessible buildings. We do not, to the extent possible, rent a space unless amplification systems are in place for those with a hearing impairment.
Accessible seating and parking at DSM and at our other venues are also available.
The Dedham Community House building has both audio and visual emergency alarms, and we look for these when we rent other performance venues.
See next page for the release and agreement form.
NOTE: If the registrant is under 18 years of age, the parent/guardian of the registrant must also sign the releases below.
DSM plans to publish a program for recitals. A registrant's name will be listed as it appears on the registration forms. DSM might take photos of participants that might appear in newspapers, posters, or on the DSM website for promotion, advertising, and education of its participants.
□ YES, I grant permission to publish the registrant's name in the DSM programs and to include photos of the registrant as described above.
□ NO, I deny permission. Do not publish the registrant's name in the programs. Do not use photos of the registrant.
Signature (parent/guardian if under 18) ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
I have read and acknowledge my understanding of all the DSM rules and policies contained within. I have reviewed the schedule and understand my attendance obligations. I also acknowledge understanding of the No Smoking and the Zero Tolerance Regarding Drugs and Alcohol policies.
I have reviewed the schedule of lessons and/or rehearsals.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature (if student is under 18) Date
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Student Signature Date
I understand the attendance policy regarding lessons and/or rehearsals:
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Student Signature Date
See the following Emergency Fact Sheet form. Complete all information on the form. This form contains critical information needed by DSM in the event of illness or injury of the student. The form MUST be submitted to the DSM Office at or before the first lesson, class or ensemble.
Any allergies, medications, physical limitations and medical conditions must be documented.
A First Aid kit is available for minor injuries.
In the event of injury or illness, we will call the emergency contact listed on the Emergency Fact Sheet.
This form constitutes a permission statement which must be signed by each participant or a parent or guardian (if under age 18). The completed form must be returned to Dedham School of Music before the first day of attendance. All the information contained in the health report is considered confidential and will be used only for the purpose of evaluating the participant’s health status and facilitating medical diagnosis, care, and/or treatment for her/him in the event of a medical emergency. This health record page must be completed and signed. PLEASE BE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE!
Registrant's name:___________________________________________________ Birth date:_________________________ Last First M.I.
Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________ _______ Street City State/Zip
Registrant resides with (circle one): Both parents Father Mother Other
Parent 1/Guardian’s Information
Parent 2/Guardian’s Information
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
Phone (w) ________________________________________________________
Phone (w) ________________________________________________________
cell _________________________________________________________
cell _________________________________________________________
E-mail ____________________________________________________________
E-mail ____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact (if parents cannot be reached):
Name ____________________________________________________________
Phone(s) __________________________________________________________
cell ___________________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________________________
Phone(s) ___________________________________________________________
cell ____________________________________________________________
Please provide a copy of your health insurance card (front and back) OR:
Name of insurance co. and policy holder ______________________________________________________________________ Policy number _________________________________________________
Authorization phone number_____________________________________
Doctor ________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________
Medical conditions/issues or special needs that may limit physical participation (check here if NONE □): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
List all known allergies (food, medications, environment) and reactions (check here if NONE □): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Current medications (check here if NONE □): ______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last TETANUS (TdaP, DTP, or DTaP) shot - DO NOT LEAVE BLANK _______________________ (month/year)
Dedham School of Music EMERGENCY FACT SHEET
Please list any IMPORTANT INFORMATION we should know, in addition to what you have previously listed. Use back if necessary. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby grant permission to DSM to obtain emergency care with appropriate medical physicians and/or facilities for my (son, daughter, ward).
Name of Student
Name of Parent/Guardian (if student is under 18)
Signature of student (or of parent/guardian if student is under 18)
Relationship to student
Absence & Make-up Policy
- DSM has designated two weeks at the end of each semester for make-up lessons, although make-up lessons may take place at any time if the teacher and student agree
- Lessons may be made up for any of the following reasons:
- Student absences (see below)
- Teacher absences
- School closure for inclement weather or other emergency
- In case of absence students should always notify the teacher.
- If a student is sick and notifies the office 24 hours before the scheduled lesson time, it is considered an excused absence
- Any absences or cancellations notifications made after the 24 hour mark are not required to be rescheduled and no refunds will be given.
- A maximum of one excused absence per semester will be made up by the teacher.
- Late notice of an absence for any reason may not entitle a student to a make-up lesson.
- If a student misses a scheduled make-up lesson, it may not be rescheduled and a refund may not be given.
- Make-up lessons cannot be given for student absences from a group class or ensemble.
Emergency Closings
- Notice of inclement weather or an emergency closing will be noted on DSM’s facebook page as well as through mass email. Faculty scheduled to teach will reach out to their students and arrange for a virtual lesson.
- DSM follows the Dedham Public School schedule for emergency closings based on inclement weather.
Registration & Tuition
- Lesson times are reserved upon receipt of a 25% tuition deposit or payment in full.
- Tuition for students enrolling after the start of either semester will be prorated.
- Fall students who are not returning for the spring semester must notify the office by December 1st.
- Re-registration for the fall semester begins in June. Returning students who wish to keep the same time slot for their lessons in the next school year must pay a deposit of 30% of one semester’s tuition plus registration fee to hold their spot.
- The full deposit minus the registration fee can be refunded up until September 1 should the student need to withdraw.
- Payment for each 15-18-week semester is expected in full by the first lesson of each semester unless a payment plan has been made with the office. The arrangements for the payment plan must also be completed prior to the first lesson.
- A monthly $40 late fee is added to any account not paid in full within 30 days of the billing date. An additional $40 fee will be added each additional month that the payment is late.
- Please let the DSM office (not the teacher) know if you are requesting a payment plan or financial aid.
- DSM accepts checks and bank draft payments via the online Customer Portal (accessible from the DSM website or through the link in the invoice emailed to you). Credit card payments may be arranged although there is a convenience fee.
- Checks and money orders can be mailed to the office or left in the lockbox.
- Please do not give payment directly to the teacher as they are not responsible for any administrative operations.
- Withdrawal from a lesson or class requires a written notice to be sent to the Executive Director.
- Up to 60% of the semester‘s tuition may be refunded if withdrawal occurs within the first two weeks of lessons/classes.
- No refunds are available for cancellations after the first two weeks.
Prior to the start of lessons, classes or ensembles, a refund of 100% minus $30 registration can be issued. After 2 weeks, there will be NO REFUNDS. Please email DSM for refund information if needed.
A new student may try a lesson with a teacher. If they agree to continue that will be lesson 1 of the total lessons for the semester.
The following may be reinstated if the Covid 19 and Flu numbers start rising:
Masks will be worn based on preference of faculty and students/families unless there is a town or state wide masked mandate which would then require all at DSM to wear masks. DSM also follows Dedham Community House rules so if masks are required to be in the building, then all DMS faculty, students, and staff will be required to wear masks.
All lessons will be held in person with the following exceptions:
-Comfort of student and family as well as faculty
-Inclement weather days, we will pivot to online lessons rather than cancel.
DSM commits itself to maintaining a welcoming environment for everyone regardless of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, color, gender, marital or parental status, veteran status, disabilities, sexual orientation, or age. In participating or working or volunteering at DSM in any program or in any capacity, an individual agrees to share these commitments in the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities.
DSM rejects all forms of harassment, wrongful discrimination and disrespect. It has developed a no-tolerance policy to respond to incidents of harassment whatever the basis or circumstance.
DSM understands the importance of an environment that is free of harassment or any other unreasonable interference with the performance of its Board members, staff, faculty, students, and volunteers. While the Organization encourages self expression, it expects that the exercise of self expression will respect the rights of others. In such a setting there is no place for conduct that diminishes, uses, or abuses another person. For these reasons, harassment of any kind is unacceptable within DSM.
Harassment may occur in numerous forms, many of which are also violations of federal and state laws, including but not limited to verbal or physical conduct that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment or interferes with an employee’s ability to perform his or her job; unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors; offensive or derogatory comments made to a person, either directly or indirectly, based on race, color, sex, religion, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.
If any involved party reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of DSM is in violation of the law, a written complaint must be filed by that party with a Board officer. It is the intent of DSM to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the Organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the Organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all parties is necessary to achieve compliance with various laws and regulations. An involved party is protected from retaliation only if the party brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy or practice to the attention of DSM and provides DSM with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to parties that comply with this requirement.
DSM will not retaliate against a party who, in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of DSM, or of another individual or entity with whom DSM has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy. DSM will not retaliate against
parties who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy, or practice of DSM that the party reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment.
- Courtesy towards all DSM members is expected without exception.
- Since we rent this space from the Dedham Community House, other programs/classes are sharing the premises. Access is limited to the following:
- Blue Room -Dining Room
- Restrooms
3. Food or drinks are not allowed in lesson or rehearsal spaces except water. Please be considerate; pick up after yourself in the waiting rooms located on the first floor and third floor.
Dedham School of music has a zero tolerance policy for tobacco use on school grounds and within school buildings.
DSM has a zero tolerance policy regarding drugs and alcohol. Any participant of DSM found to be in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or any controlled and/or illegal substance will be subject to expulsion from the program with no refund.
Dedham School of Music (DSM) is dedicated to making its events and programs accessible for its students, families, and attendees. Every member of our organization is committed to ensuring access, from our board to our administration to our staff and volunteers.
Accommodations we can reasonably address will be made upon request and as determined feasible by the Accessibility Coordinator. We ask for three weeks’ notice. Please contact Dedham School of Music’s Accessibility Coordinator and Executive Director, Jody Pongratz, at [email protected] or the school: 781-441-9372.
Our school, housed at the Dedham Community Center at 671 High Street in Dedham, has an accessible entrance, with a lift from the parking lot to the first floor, where along with lesson rooms there is an accessible restroom. We ask that DSM be notified in advance of a need for accommodation so that the lesson or class can be scheduled there. We require 2 weeks notice. In the case of an injury that prevents a participant from using the stairs to our 3rd floor classrooms, we will make an immediate accommodation whenever feasible to move the lesson to the first floor. Please contact Jody Pongratz.
Our off-site Jams, Dedham Community Band, Recitals, and Singing Alive program are all held in accessible buildings. Except for Singing Alive programs, our off-site programs are held in First Church Dedham which has a ramp as well as accessible restrooms. Singing Alive programs are held in Dedham Housing Authority community rooms which are accessible and at other senior centers that are also accessible.
For those with Visual Impairments, large print materials are made available upon request, with two weeks’ notice. Please contact Jody Pongratz.
Our performances are held outdoors or inside accessible buildings. We do not, to the extent possible, rent a space unless amplification systems are in place for those with a hearing impairment.
Accessible seating and parking at DSM and at our other venues are also available.
The Dedham Community House building has both audio and visual emergency alarms, and we look for these when we rent other performance venues.
See next page for the release and agreement form.
NOTE: If the registrant is under 18 years of age, the parent/guardian of the registrant must also sign the releases below.
DSM plans to publish a program for recitals. A registrant's name will be listed as it appears on the registration forms. DSM might take photos of participants that might appear in newspapers, posters, or on the DSM website for promotion, advertising, and education of its participants.
□ YES, I grant permission to publish the registrant's name in the DSM programs and to include photos of the registrant as described above.
□ NO, I deny permission. Do not publish the registrant's name in the programs. Do not use photos of the registrant.
Signature (parent/guardian if under 18) ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
I have read and acknowledge my understanding of all the DSM rules and policies contained within. I have reviewed the schedule and understand my attendance obligations. I also acknowledge understanding of the No Smoking and the Zero Tolerance Regarding Drugs and Alcohol policies.
I have reviewed the schedule of lessons and/or rehearsals.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature (if student is under 18) Date
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Student Signature Date
I understand the attendance policy regarding lessons and/or rehearsals:
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Student Signature Date
See the following Emergency Fact Sheet form. Complete all information on the form. This form contains critical information needed by DSM in the event of illness or injury of the student. The form MUST be submitted to the DSM Office at or before the first lesson, class or ensemble.
Any allergies, medications, physical limitations and medical conditions must be documented.
A First Aid kit is available for minor injuries.
In the event of injury or illness, we will call the emergency contact listed on the Emergency Fact Sheet.
This form constitutes a permission statement which must be signed by each participant or a parent or guardian (if under age 18). The completed form must be returned to Dedham School of Music before the first day of attendance. All the information contained in the health report is considered confidential and will be used only for the purpose of evaluating the participant’s health status and facilitating medical diagnosis, care, and/or treatment for her/him in the event of a medical emergency. This health record page must be completed and signed. PLEASE BE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE!
Registrant's name:___________________________________________________ Birth date:_________________________ Last First M.I.
Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________ _______ Street City State/Zip
Registrant resides with (circle one): Both parents Father Mother Other
Parent 1/Guardian’s Information
Parent 2/Guardian’s Information
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
Phone (w) ________________________________________________________
Phone (w) ________________________________________________________
cell _________________________________________________________
cell _________________________________________________________
E-mail ____________________________________________________________
E-mail ____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact (if parents cannot be reached):
Name ____________________________________________________________
Phone(s) __________________________________________________________
cell ___________________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________________________
Phone(s) ___________________________________________________________
cell ____________________________________________________________
Please provide a copy of your health insurance card (front and back) OR:
Name of insurance co. and policy holder ______________________________________________________________________ Policy number _________________________________________________
Authorization phone number_____________________________________
Doctor ________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________
Medical conditions/issues or special needs that may limit physical participation (check here if NONE □): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
List all known allergies (food, medications, environment) and reactions (check here if NONE □): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Current medications (check here if NONE □): ______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last TETANUS (TdaP, DTP, or DTaP) shot - DO NOT LEAVE BLANK _______________________ (month/year)
Dedham School of Music EMERGENCY FACT SHEET
Please list any IMPORTANT INFORMATION we should know, in addition to what you have previously listed. Use back if necessary. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby grant permission to DSM to obtain emergency care with appropriate medical physicians and/or facilities for my (son, daughter, ward).
Name of Student
Name of Parent/Guardian (if student is under 18)
Signature of student (or of parent/guardian if student is under 18)
Relationship to student